Massive voice chat on the upcoming Full Moon!
We usually have it in the evening starting at 6 pm pacific time on Discord in the 'general voice chat' Channel under General Chat.
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Deep in the forest is a magical community gathered ‘round a cauldron of creativity & understanding.
We welcome you to stay with us and add your magic!
Blessed Be!
You are among Witches, Pagans, and other spiritual beings!
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Witches, wiccans, druids and other paths welcome!
Click here for our mission statement.
Recommended Websites
https://archive.sacred-texts.com/ Open source website for religious texts, occult books, and other topical documents.
https://www.gutenberg.org/ Project Gutenburg- open source site for books on all kinds of topics, including some occult and religious books.
https://www.theoi.com/ Website covering Greek and Greek adjacent deities.
https://www.learnreligions.com/ Website with information on a variety of religions.